C a l i f o r n i a ' s N a t u r a l M i n e r a l S p r i n g W a t e r
T h e S t o r y B e h i n d O u r W a t e r
Adobe Mountain® sources exclusively from California’s only mineral-spring water source located in an untouched region of our beautiful state. Naturally high in magnesium and arriving at the surface with a high pH, Adobe Mountain® is the clear local option for exceptional mineral water.
O u r W a t e r S o u r c e
Located close to our customers yet isolated from modern civilization, the spring is situated in the remote Del Puerto Canyon where rolling hills and natural beauty define the landscape .
We understand the need for a premium natural mineral water. While respecting the spring our water comes from, we strive to provide a locally sourced option you can feel good about drinking. Pickup a bottle of Adobe Mountain® today and experience California’s prized mineral water source. Buy local, drink often.